Ponto de Entrada
Arquivo: main.rs
1. Declarando módulos
#![feature(seek_stream_len)] pub mod core; pub mod axioms; pub mod printing; pub mod evaluator; pub mod reader; #[cfg(test)] mod tests;
2. Importações
use self::core::{ Maj, MajState }; use self::printing::{ maj_format, maj_format_raw }; use self::evaluator::maj_eval; use self::reader::tokenizer::maj_tokenize; use self::reader::parser::maj_parse;
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError; use rustyline::Editor; use rustyline::validate::{ ValidationContext, ValidationResult, Validator }; use rustyline_derive::{Completer, Helper, Highlighter, Hinter}; use colored::*; use std::{ env, process };
#[derive(Completer, Helper, Highlighter, Hinter)] struct MajInputValidator {} impl Validator for MajInputValidator { fn validate( &self, ctx: &mut ValidationContext ) -> Result<ValidationResult, ReadlineError> { use ValidationResult::{ Incomplete, Invalid, Valid }; let input = ctx.input(); let mut ignore_one = false; let mut count = 0; for c in input.chars() { if ignore_one { ignore_one = false; } else { match c { '(' => { count += 1; }, ')' => { if count == 0 { count = -1; break; } else { count -= 1; } }, '\\' => { // Gambiarra for preventing // incomplete input on characters // such as #\( and #\) ignore_one = true; } _ => {}, } } } if count > 0 { Ok(Incomplete) } else if count < 0 { Ok( Invalid(Some("No matching parenthesis found" .to_owned())) ) } else { Ok(Valid(None)) } } }
fn repl(mut state: &mut MajState, options: &ArgsOptions) { use crate::axioms::predicates::maj_errorp; if !options.silent { println!("Press C-c or C-d to quit"); } let validator = MajInputValidator {}; let mut rl = Editor::new(); rl.set_helper(Some(validator)); let _ = rl.load_history(".majestic_history"); let mut prompt = if options.silent { String::from("") } else { format!("{}", "> ".green()) }; let mut show_tokens = false; loop { let readline = rl.readline(&prompt); match readline { Ok(line) => { rl.add_history_entry(line.as_str()); if line == "#t" { show_tokens = !show_tokens; prompt = if options.silent { String::from("") } else if show_tokens { format!("{}", "> ".magenta()) } else { format!("{}", "> ".green()) }; } else { //use crate::printing::maj_pretty_format; match maj_tokenize(line.as_ref()) { Ok(tokens) => { if show_tokens { println!("{}", format!("{:?}", tokens) .magenta()); } match maj_parse(&mut state, tokens.clone()) { Ok(expressions) => { if show_tokens { println!("{}", maj_format_raw( &state, expressions.clone(), false).magenta()); } use crate::axioms::utils::{ STACK_RED_ZONE, STACK_PER_RECURSION }; let results = stacker::maybe_grow( STACK_RED_ZONE, STACK_PER_RECURSION, || maj_eval(&mut state, Maj::cons( Maj::do_sym(), expressions), Maj::nil())); if !maj_errorp(results.clone()).to_bool() { println!("{}", maj_format(&state, results) .cyan()); } else { eprintln!("{} {}", "Error:".red().bold(), maj_format(&state, results)); } }, Err(msg) => eprintln!("{} {}", "Parser error:".red().bold(), msg), } }, Err((line, msg)) => eprintln!("{} on line {}: {}", "Syntax error".red().bold(), line, msg), }; } }, Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => { if !options.silent { println!("{}", "C-c".cyan().dimmed()); } break }, Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => { if !options.silent { println!("{}", "C-d".cyan().dimmed()); } break }, Err(err) => { eprintln!("REPL Error: {:?}", err); break } } } if let Err(_) = rl.save_history(".majestic_history") { eprintln!("Failed saving history to .majestic_history."); } if !options.silent { println!("Quaerendo invenietis."); } }
4. Parsing de argumentos do console
4.1. Estrutura de argumentos
struct ArgsOptions { silent: bool, loadfiles: Vec<String>, programname: String, quit: bool, execlines: Vec<String>, showhelp: bool, }
4.2. Discriminação dos argumentos
impl ArgsOptions { fn empty() -> ArgsOptions { ArgsOptions { silent: false, loadfiles: Vec::new(), programname: String::new(), quit: false, execlines: Vec::new(), showhelp: false, } } fn new() -> Result<ArgsOptions, String> { let mut options = ArgsOptions::empty(); let mut fetch_load = false; let mut fetch_exec = false; let mut fetch_programname = true; for argument in env::args() { if fetch_programname { options.programname = argument; fetch_programname = false; } else if fetch_load { options.loadfiles.push(argument); fetch_load = false; } else if fetch_exec { options.execlines.push(argument); fetch_exec = false; } else { match argument.as_ref() { "--load" | "-l" => fetch_load = true, "--silent" | "-s" => options.silent = true, "--quit" | "-q" => options.quit = true, "--eval" | "-e" => fetch_exec = true, "--help" | "-h" | "-?" => options.showhelp = true, "--script" => { options.silent = true; options.quit = true; fetch_load = true; }, _ => return Err( format!("Unknown argument: {}", argument)), } } } Ok(options) } }
5. Utilitários
5.1. Constantes de compilação
static TIMESTAMP: &'static str = include_str!( concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/timestamp.txt")); static VERSION: &'static str = include_str!( concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/version.txt")); static TARGET: &'static str = include_str!( concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/target.txt"));
5.2. Carregando arquivos
fn handle_load_file(options: &ArgsOptions, mut state: &mut MajState) { use crate::axioms::primitives::maj_load; use crate::axioms::predicates::maj_errorp; for file in &options.loadfiles { if !options.silent { println!("; loading {}...", file); } let results = maj_load(&mut state, Maj::nil(), Maj::string(file)); if maj_errorp(results.clone()).to_bool() { eprintln!("{} {}", "Error:".red().bold(), maj_format(&state, results)); if options.quit { process::exit(1); } } } }
5.3. Execução de comandos pelo console
fn handle_exec_evals(options: &ArgsOptions, mut state: &mut MajState) { for codeline in &options.execlines { match maj_tokenize(codeline.as_ref()) { Ok(tokens) => { match maj_parse(&mut state, tokens.clone()) { Ok(expressions) => { let results = maj_eval(&mut state, Maj::cons(Maj::do_sym(), expressions), Maj::nil()); println!("{}", maj_format(&state, results) .cyan()); }, Err(msg) => { eprintln!("Parser error: {}", msg) }, } }, Err((line, msg)) => eprintln!("Syntax error on line {}: {}", line, msg), } } }
5.4. Texto de ajuda
fn show_help(programname: String) { if VERSION == "" { println!("Built at {}", TIMESTAMP); } println!("Usage: {} [options] Options: \t-l, --load [file] Load and execute contents of file \t-s, --silent Do not show ribbon nor REPL prompt \t-q, --quit Halt interpreter execution after executing \t commands given through arguments \t-e, --eval [text] Evaluate given string of text \t-h, -?, --help Show this help text \t--script [file] Same as --silent --quit --load [file]", programname); }
6. Função main
fn main() { match ArgsOptions::new() { Ok(options) => { if !options.silent { println!("Majestic Lisp v{} {}", format!("{}{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), if VERSION != "" { " nightly" } else { "" }), TARGET); if VERSION != "" { println!("Build {} {}", VERSION, TIMESTAMP); } println!("Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Lucas S. Vieira"); } if options.showhelp { show_help(options.programname); process::exit(0); } let mut state = MajState::new(); // Load files handle_load_file(&options, &mut state); // Execute code from console handle_exec_evals(&options, &mut state); if !options.quit { repl(&mut state, &options); } }, Err(error) => { eprintln!("Arguments error: {}", error); show_help(String::from("majestic")); process::exit(1); } } }